Classwash Ball is designed for the cleaning of fabrics by hand and machine.
It is able to replace completely detergents and softener with the difference that does not pollute and respects the nature
(read more).
Laboratory tests show, in fact, that the loss of substances harmful to the environment is less than 2g per wash against 150-300g of traditional detergents.
It contains no chemicals and its use prevents the development of allergies and irritations.
Classwash Ball is produced 100% in Italy and tested its effectiveness by Chelab s.r.l.,
one of the most accredited laboratories in our country (download informations).
in 30 seconds ... the benefits
- It respects your fabrics. Thoroughly cleans your laundry without harming
- It saves money and time: it is no longer necessary to use detergents and fabric softener nor rinse clothes after washing
- Fully respects and does not pollute the environment
- It is hypoallergenic
- It is anti limestone
- Disinfects fabrics and washing machine with its sanitizing and anti mite components
- It is a long lasting product. With a refill of Classwash Ball you can make up to 180 washes (read more) that may differ slightly depending on duration and frequent use of bleaching products (The test was performed at a temperature of 40°C with a medium program) and after that you can buy the simple (and cheap) charging
the 3 models ... of Classwash Ball

Studied for washing
whites and coloured with
a maximum temperature of 80°C.
Studied for washing coloured,
delicate, black and wool with
a maximum temperature of 40°C.
Thanks to the innovative silver ions formula
that increase the antibacterial power,
it is studied to prevent
fungus and germs in the washing machine with
a maximum temperature of 80°C.
in 5 minutes ... the explanations
what is made of
Content of Classwash Ball consists primarily of tourmaline,
a group of minerals whose antibacterial and cleaning action has now scientifically recognized
(read scientific documents in PDF format).
There are also small amounts of sodium silicate, sodium carbonate, sodium lauril sulphate and organic mineral biodegradable binders.
There are not chemical additives and functional surfactants.
Content is enclosed in a globe covered with a perforated sheath of pure alimentary
silicone that prevents damage to the laundry basket during washing.
how it works
In contact with water, mineral compound contained in Classwash Ball acts on it ionizing
thus reducing the size of molecules that can move more easily between the fibres of the fabrics,
removing stains and odours often only covered, however, by traditional detergents.
Ionizing action of Classwash Ball is also transmitted to all that is dispersed in water,
so even to pre-treating and additives that can be added to washing,
increasing efficiency and allowing to reduce consumption up the 95%.
after purchase
how use it
It really could not be easier: you just have to insert the Classwash Ball inside the basket of the washing machine after loading dirty clothes and set your favourite wash cycle, after which you can pull together the Classwash Ball with your clothes.
processing advises
- To allow you to improve Classwash Ball washing action be sure to maintain it as full as possible and never leave or otherwise reduce its content below 2/3 of the initial filling.
- If your laundry is more than 5Kg we recommend using two Classwash Ball.
- To prevent the stay of shrouds, dirt, grease, lipstick, coffee, grass, red wine and other stains, fabrics should be treated locally with Marsiglia soap or the specific stain remover normally used.
- To obtain a scented laundry can be added at the end of washing a spoon of fabric softener or a few drops of essence.
- The use of Classwash Ball does not prevent the habitual use of other products such as pretreating and softening.
- It's instead better to use it separately from bleach.
how to replace granules for charging
Even this point is really simple. You just have to open the top of the Classwash Ball, with a coin, in “open” direction (2 clicks), then pour the granules to fill the sphere and turn off repositioning the cap and turning in “closed” direction (2 clicks).